In each case, there is a judge who monitors child support payments. Behind the judge, there are also boards and commissions.
How are the guidelines for each individual situation decided upon?
"The guideline shall be based upon the reasonable needs of the child or spouse seeking support and the ability of the obligor to provide support. In determining the reasonable needs of the child or spouse seeking support and the ability of the obligor to provide support, the guideline shall place primary emphasis on the net incomes and earning capacities of the parties, with allowable deviations for unusual needs, extraordinary expenses and other factors, such as the parties' assets, as warrant special attention. The guideline so developed shall be reviewed at least once every four years."\
What is child support like in other countries?
Every member of the United Nations has child support laws similar to ours based off of the 1992 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Can there ever be a change of circumstances?
Yes, so very four years the situation is reassessed by the judge.\
What if a parent does not pay their child support? Are there any consequences?
If a parent does not pay, child support offices enforce the following consequenes:
- Driver's license suspension
- Credit bureau reporting
- Occupational license suspension
- Passport denial
- Tax refund intercept
- contempt of court
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